Title: Fractured Legacy
Series: Fractured Legacy #1
Author: Skye Callahan
Publication date: October 2013
Publisher: Createspace
Genre: Paranormal Urban Fantasy
Source: Copy for review
FRACTURED LEGACY is FREE for a Limited Time Only!
Kaylyn Anderson's fascination with abandoned places and dark creatures kindled her work as a paranormal investigator. But when dreams begin to distort reality, she questions what is real and pulls away from everyone she trusts. The opportunity to investigate the Teague Hotel - a long-abandoned landmark that has always piqued her curiosity - provides a chance to redeem herself. Unraveling the hotel's secrets won't be easy, but Kaylyn soon finds herself the target of a dark entity that has been trapped in the building for decades.
If Kaylyn stands any chance of defeating the spirit, she'll have to accept that her fears are real and convince fellow investigators that she hasn't lost her mind.
Shiver-inducing, creepy-crawly, and spine-tingling all best describe how I felt while reading Fractured Legacy. This is the perfect time of year to read about a young paranormal investigator with an entity targeting her. I wasn't expecting to get freaked out while reading this novel, but with all the lights off and only the screen softly glowing, I definitely did. And I love that feeling!
Kaylyn and her sister, Cole, are paranormal investigators at the same agency. They walk into work one day to find they have a new boss, and his name is Jonah. Right away, Kaylyn and Jonah grate on each other's nerves, but also a sort of attraction is there as well. It was fun to see them interact - Kaylyn doesn't take crap from anyone, not even her boss. Sometimes I slightly cringed since you should be somewhat respectful with the person who has the power to fire you, right? ;)
Kaylyn and Cole are assigned to investigate possible paranormal activity at the Teague Hotel. First of all, how awesome would it be to get paid as a paranormal investigator?? I'd like to think I'd be super brave but can't help thinking I'd most likely be too afraid to go searching for otherworldly happenings! However Kaylyn is plagued by nasty nightmares, and they only become more frightening after she's stepped foot in the hotel.
Kaylyn, Jonah, and Cole make a terrific team. The dynamics between them make for some entertaining situations they get themselves into. They just work well together, and it only took them getting through their irritation with each other to reach that point.
My only issue with Fractured Legacy, which is a small thing that didn't diminish my enjoyment of the book overall, was that Cole assumed Kaylyn's problems were due only to a breakup. The possibility of something otherworldly going on never entered her mind, and for someone who is a paranormal investigator and supposed to know her sister so well, I thought that was strange. It took some time warming up to Cole; she was more concerned with how Kaylyn's behavior affected herself rather than how it was affecting Kaylyn.
With the above set aside, Skye Callahan kept me guessing in Fractured Legacy - I couldn't read quickly enough! There were secrets that came out which I never saw coming, and I couldn't believe those revelations. I'm hooked on this series and am ready for the next novel!
My Rating:
~ Book Two ~
My review coming tomorrow!
Despite unanswered questions about the nameless entity that tried to steal her life, Kaylyn returns to the only kind of normal life she knows and takes on a new paranormal case.
After investing everything they have in a farm, an unsuspecting family discovers that their problems run much deeper than the poor upkeep of the house and land. Can Kaylyn and the other investigators uncover what's behind the growing malicious activity? And how will they all deal with new warnings from beyond the divide?
Skye Callahan is an Ohio-girl who has spent a lifetime chained to the imaginary worlds of the characters who live in her head. In elementary school she began writing down these characters' stories to share with her friends and teachers. Although the paranormal was always her area of focus, she has recently followed her interest in BDSM and dark romance to venture into other realms.
When she isn't spending time with the voices in her head, she loves spending time with her husband and two ferrets.