
March 5, 2014

IWSG #12 ~ March 2014

Alex J. Cavanaugh created this awesome group, which I'm proud to take part in every month (or just about every month, lol). The IWSG now has its own blog as well. Click here to add your post link to the list. 

The first Wednesday of every month you can share your worries without judgement and/or your triumphs with complimentary confetti! ;D Join us - it's fun, a great way to connect with fellow writers, and we all can support one another!

I don't have a whole lot to talk about. I have no motivation at this time to write. I'm feeling depressed, and maybe I just need some warmth and sunshine. It seems so far out of reach to write and publish a book at this time, I don't know where to start. There's so much conflicting advice out there that I don't know which way is up. :/ 

Even if I write a book and pour money into getting it edited, a cover designed, and blog tours, how much does it really help? I'm not sure. It seems like so many indie authors out there are struggling to get their work noticed. Don't mind me, I just need to spend a week in Hawaii or something. 

How has your writing been? Are you feeling down? Up? All around? Let me know! 


  1. Going the indie route is brave. I don't think I could do it, so i wish you much luck!!

    My writing has been in pause for a while, but I'm getting back into. At the same time, my life is more stressful than ever. :\

    I hope things look up for you soon!

    1. Maybe I should go in blind, lol. Then I might not get myself so freaked out. I hope writing helps you alleviate the stress you're going through. I know it can be therapeutic for me, and I'm hoping life gets less stressful for you very soon. :)

      Thank you so much, Chrys! :)

  2. I think everyone is so sick of winter, we totally need summer now!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

    1. This has been such a hard winter! Here in Ohio, we've basically been covered by snow the entire time (EXCEPT Christmas, just want to point that out), and the temperatures have been much lower than we're used to thanks to that Polar Vortex dipping down. I have cabin fever - we need summer now, I agree! :)

  3. I agree, spending a week in Hawaii would be nice and yep, it's a huge challenge

    1. I've just got to stop letting it overwhelm me and take things one step at a time. Intellectually, I know this, but emotionally knowing this is another matter. Thanks for visiting, Pat! :)

  4. Welcome to IWSG!

    I hear you about the conflicting information. The worst thing I've done as a newbie was to start looking at the publication process before I'd even finished a book. It's daunting. It's a job like any other. The best advice I can give (as an unpublished writer myself) is twofold:

    1. Writing is a muscle. You have to work it out, even when you don't feel like it. Discipline is something that all writers need. Don't wait to be at the whim of your muse. Just write. Even if its crap. Give yourself small goals and write every day just to keep that muscle limber.

    2. It's really easy to psych yourself out. Quit worrying about publication and worry about getting good. Focus on what you enjoy. Write for your pleasure and then worry about that stuff when you have to. The only control you have with regards to writing is the act of writing itself. So write.

    And take me with you to Hawaii.

    1. Thank you, Christina! You've got me thinking I'm getting way ahead of myself and no wonder I'm feeling overwhelmed. It'd be more helpful if I take this one step at a time. First I need a first draft - without that, there's no reason to worry about publishing, lol!

      Your advice is exactly what I needed to hear. I've got to just relax and let those creative juices flow.

      Let's go! Get packing! ;)

  5. Do not tell my mom I said this, but I would give my books away for free, all of them, because it's not about the success. It's about taking the shit you're going through and turning it into even more dramatic shit. But I think about the big picture sometimes too and I rail against it and throw the biggest fit and eat some chocolate. You're cool, Jennifer with a cool perspective and voice. I want to read what you write.

    1. Your secret is safe with me. :)

      I was looking for posts yesterday to help me with adding a couple of things to my blog, and I ended up getting sucked into articles about different things different authors have talked about in trying to get their work out there.

      There was one author, I won't mention the name, who wrote that she didn't understand why the series she worked on with love didn't sell but an erotica series she wrote did so well. She said she feels like she "sold out" just to make money because she needed to make money and that she doesn't even like the erotica genre. I don't want to get to that point, where I feel desperate enough to sell out. But I still want people to read my work once it's out there for better or worse, and I truly mean that. Even if readers think it's utter shit, at least they read it, right?

      That's exactly what I want to do - take the utter shit and turn it into dramatic shit. Take all that pain from losing my mom and do something constructive with it. I really admire you and not just because you're one of the best people I know. Look at everything you've accomplished! You've published your own three novels with more on the way, and that's no easy feat. And you've got yourself to take care of, your boys,'s amazing. So I look at you and think, "Hey, I can do this, too." You're like my mentor. :)

      Chocolate sounds so good! Think I might just have to buy myself some and sneak it or else the vultures, aka my kids and husband, might steal it from me, lol. ;)

  6. What an awesome post and I have joined too!! Thank you for sharing this :) I totally get where you are coming from and sometimes it gets so overwhelming. I wonder if anyone will even like what I write, I might end up being just another author in the pack or.... I could end up being the next awesome Cassandra Clare (Yes she is my inspiration and I love her books). Who knows my book might be a movie too.. and then I start dreaming! Coming back to reality I need to finish my book.
    I really liked Christina's advice because just this week I was sooo daunting and a bit demotivating actually. Surviving rejection letters?? Gosh *heart breaking*

    I'll be your writing buddy *cheers you on* Go Jennifer!!

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.

    1. Thank you, Chene! That's so cool to hear, too! I'm glad you've joined. It's a really great group, and I'm so thankful author Michael Pierce introduced me to it when I first started blogging. It's such a supportive community, and I've gotten to know some wonderful and talented writers. :)

      Yes, I wonder the same thing about my writing! Will anyone like it? What if I get nothing but negative reviews? It's scary. I think we have a great thing going for those of us who not only write but are also book bloggers - we can see both sides. Not that there's "sides" but we know as readers what we like and what we don't like. We know what other readers like and don't like, too, from reviews they write and discussion posts. That's a huge advantage I think.

      Gosh, I really need to read Cassandra Clare. I'm so excited - I own at least four of her books, just haven't had a chance to get to them yet, lol. It's true, Chene. You could be the next Cassandra Clare, and your books could be the next big movie. You've started me thinking about dreaming some. If I don't have any dreams or goals, then I'm never going to get myself in gear and do this.

      Have you submitted work and gotten rejection letters? I'm not sure what that will be like. I do plan on submitting at some point but probably not to start out with I think. Christina gave great advice, I agree. It was what I needed to hear. :)

      I'd love to be your writing buddy, too! Thank you, Chene, your words mean more to me than you know! :)

    2. Yay that is awesome to hear such great feedback about the group :) I agree about the benefit of being a blogger and + or - review. I still find it amazing I would rate a book 5 stars and then see someone else rate it 1 star... I love reading why. Even the best books have negative reviews (Like City of Bones or Clockwork Angel). So no matter what I think negative reviews are inevitable, but we will be OK as long as we are prepared and learn from it, use it as a improving tool.

      Yay! I am so happy to hear I have sparked some dreaming on your side *happiness*
      No I haven't submitted any MS's yet, but my goal is to have my first complete one ready by the end of April. (Not a fictional one though - that is still in progress too).

      *Cheers* to writing buddies!! We can do a check in every month with this post I think :)

  7. There is a ton of advice out there, and come of it conflicts. You just have to go with majority rules on some things. But ultimately, every author is different. I know indie authors selling thousands and ones not selling at all.
    And hopefully spring is right around the corner.

    1. I feel kind of bad worrying about making money or not - it would be nice if I could, but if I don't, then it won't be the end of the world. That's true - every author is different. If they're weren't, it wouldn't be interesting to read books. :) I'm really looking forward to spring. It can't get here fast enough!

  8. I can definitely understand your depression. All through December and January, I was in the dumps when it came to writing and I didn't want to do any. I almost wanted to give up and just be a "reader" instead. But I'm going the indie route and I'm excited! It don't think it means too much about the money, I'll give copies away! I just want people to enjoy a good story.

    And better weather is hopefully coming soon. I'm from Iowa and it's been one of the coldest winters and we have a ton of snow! I'm desperately excited for spring. We had a "heat" wave today of 35. Yay for being above freezing! :)

    1. It sounds like we're having an intense case of the winter blues. I've had that feeling, too, where I want to give up and be a reader only. You're right - it's about giving good stories for people to enjoy. If I concentrate on that, then I think I'm going to be okay. :)

      After all of the intense cold, when it hit the 30's here, I swear I saw people heading out in shorts and t-shirts, lol. It felt so warm to me, I didn't even bother wearing a coat! :)


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