
November 12, 2013

Blog Tour: Review & Giveaway ~ The Seraphina Parrish Trilogy by Michelle Warren

Hey guys! Welcome to my stop on the Seraphina Parrish Trilogy hosted by Girls Heart Books Tours. I have a review of the first book in the trilogy, Wander Dust. Click here for the full blog tour schedule! :D 

Title: Wander Dust  
Series: The Seraphina Parrish Trilogy #1
Author: Michelle Warren
Publication date: November 30th 2011
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy 
Source: Review copy

~ Synopsis ~

Ever since her sixteenth birthday, strange things keep happening to Seraphina Parrish. Unexplainable premonitions catapault her to faraway cities. A street gang wants to kill her, and a beautiful mysterious boy stalks her.

But when Sera moves to Chicago, and her aunt reveals their family connection to a centuries old secret society, she's immediately thrust into an unbelievable fantasy world, leading her on a quest to unravel the mysteries that plague her. In the end, their meanings crash into an epic struggle of loyalty and betrayal, and she'll be forced to choose between the boy who has stolen her heart and the thing she desires most. 

Wander Dust is the breathtaking fantasy that will catapult you through a story of time, adventure, and love.

~ My Thoughts ~ 

My Rating: 4 / 5

Seraphina has to have had the most depressing sixteenth birthday ever. She's at a restaurant with her father and his girlfriend, and he's so into his girlfriend, he barely noticed his own daughter. On her birthday!! He also doesn't notice Sera is almost set on fire by her own birthday candles! Suffice it to say, I couldn't stand Sera's father - he's cold and completely uncaring. Not like a father should be at all. I really didn't like him. 

Sera's sixteenth birthday is when everything begins. She sees the Lady in Black for the first time at the restaurant, leading her to have nightmares about this Lady setting fire on her house. Then other strange things begin happening to her, and she started thinking she might be going crazy. That's exactly what I'd think about myself, too!  At a certain point, though, I'd start asking my father some questions. 

Sera's mother died in a car accident a long time ago - before Sera had a chance to get to know her at all. If you've read some of my past reviews, you know this immediately endeared me to her character. I completely understood this character although I was lucky enough to have a. known my mom and b. had a loving father. 

One random day, Sera's father decides she should go live with her mother's sister. I was so happy to meet Mona - she's a breath of fresh air in Sera's life. While I was sad for Sera because she couldn't believe her father was shipping her off, I also felt this was a decision that ended up benefiting her. Her father wasn't the parent that she needed him to be, and by living with Mona, she would be able to learn more about her mother. 

All in all, Wander Dust was a great read. I connected with Seraphina right away, and while I felt like she should have suspected something magical was happening to her a while ago, I also understood the fear that she might be going crazy instead. I love reading stories with time travel - it was a lot of fun for me that time travel is included in this story. I loved the romance, and I'm excited to read the rest of this trilogy!     


~ Purchase Links ~ 

~ The Characters ~ 

~ Are You a Seer, Protector, or Wanderer? ~ 

~ About the Author: Michelle Warren ~


Michelle Warren is the author of the Seraphina Parrish Trilogy. She didn't travel the road to writer immediately. She spent over a decade as professional illustrator and designer. Her artistic creativity combined with her love of science fiction, paranormal, and fantasy led her to write her first YA novel, Wander Dust. Michelle loves reading and traveling to places that inspire her to create. She resides in downtown Chicago, not far from her imaginary Wandering world.

~ Social Links ~ 

~ Giveaway ~ 

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