
May 15, 2012

Which Direction?

A year or two ago, my husband suggested I start up a blog when I told him I needed some motivation to achieve my dream of becoming a writer. I wanted something that would get my writing out there and help me feel more proactive. I write in a journal, which I love to do, but it isn't quite the same as blogging for me. My journal is not for the world to read, hahaha!

I guess I must not have been ready to begin yet back then, but once I began working on my blog at the end of January this year, my nervousness at opening up began to lessen. I'm happy to have a forum where many others can read my writing, and I can work on it and improve it.

My only question lately has been if my blog should be targeted more specifically to a certain topic. Right now, I'm writing about anything that comes to mind--stories about my children, reviews on books I've recently read and enjoyed (I want to help out indie authors as much as possible), stories from my childhood, and just about any other topic.

Would it be more beneficial to stick with one subject? I don't really know for sure, but it seems it would limit me in what I want to accomplish here. I think I'll continue with what I've been doing and just hope people are enjoying what they're reading. :)


  1. Hi Jennifer, thanks for the Twitter follow. This post spoke to me because I still feel really new at blogging and it is a monster! What I've been learning from fellow bloggers is it helps to have some kind of a schedule so people know when to come back. Some regular themes are good, but everything doesn't have to be so rigid. A group I'm a part of that has also helped me out with ideas, encouragement, and meeting more bloggers is Alex Cavanaugh's The Insecure Writer's Support Group (I've got a badge for it on the right column of my blog if you're interested to learn more about it--sorry, I don't know how to create a link here). Happy writing!

    1. Hi Michael, thank you for your insight. :) I've been wrestling with these questions for quite some time now. A schedule is a wonderful idea, and I have been thinking that sticking with one theme isn't going to work for me. That's good news because that means there are too many things I want to write about! :) I am definitely going to check out the group--it sounds like it offers the encouragement I so desperately need right now. Blogging has been a lot more complicated than I thought it was going to be, I must say that, lol!


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